Call to Me, and I will answer you, and show you great and mighty things, which you do not know. Jer 33:3

Dear friends,

    We’re presently meeting Him in Jeremiah 33 and Luke 8! What a combination! Join us. Jer 33:3 is our memory verse. Work it into your prayer life. Calling on the Lord, biblically, means wholehearted crying out to Him in the midst of your praise and thanksgiving. David did this regularly, and especially, for discernment in persecution and warfare. Of course you can always ask the Lord for help in a second. But He inhabits the praises of His people. He promises to respond with His manifest presence in Voice and Hand. Though you may be weak, weary, and worried—He will deeply strengthen, clearly guide, and peacefully guard you when you make the sacrifice of praise of thanksgiving before you make your request.

    We leave for our mission (at the Quaker camp near Eldora, with the Cedar Rapids House Church Network Family Retreat) loaded with faith and expectancy for the Lord to make the promises of Jeremiah 33 and the happenings of Luke 8 manifest! We’ll be teaching, leading prayer and reflection times, preaching, offering prayer and counsel; as well as playing and fellowship with lots of adults, teens, and children. We loved doing this with them last year. This year registration has doubled!

     We’re grateful Kim’s progressing in the strength building phase of physical therapy. Kim has His peace, but is understandably apprehensive about the mission this week. She’s still sleeping in her power recliner (the House Church Network is transporting it for her!) and she is a long ways from full use of her arm. I’m so proud of her sacrifice for His people. Though she was a strikingly beautiful 19 year-old when we met 45 years ago, the most attractive thing about her was that Jesus was her true Best Friend. That has never changed, and never will. We so appreciate your continued prayers to Kim’s Best Friend…and yours! Please pray for us every day of the mission, Sept 5-8! Thank you!!!!


   We just released our new video, A Dream of What’s Coming. It’s receiving lots of views already @ @richardf.speightjr.3804@youtube. This one is a little different. It’s longer than our others because we needed to be faithful to the details of the dream. There is weightiness to this prophetic dream that will actually lighten your load, and draw your higher and deeper in Him. Enjoy, believe with us, and share it with others who need their load lightened!



Sept 5-8  Speights minister at Cedar Rapids House Church Network Family Camp in North Central Iowa.

Sept 8      NO SUNDAY GROUPS as Speights away on mission

Sept 18   Come Rest Day Retreat, 845AM-4PM! Must apply by noon Saturday, the 14th, at

Sept 20   Awakening of Love worship flow 630-830pm, CLC. 2808 Schaeffer Dr SW. Blomberg team ministers musically w/Speights/CRM Intercessors!


Your seeds support our 5 strategies! *Prayer *Testimony *Gatherings *Writing *Encouragement.

We SO appreciate your seeds by mail or the new website (Venmo @ComeRest or QR Code; or PayPal “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. 2 Cor 9:10-11

Richard F. Speight, Jr.

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Come Rest Ministries

P.O. Box  11010

Cedar Rapids, Iowa