He delivered me because He delighted in me. Ps 18:19
And made us sit together in heavenly places in Christ Jesus… Eph 2:6
Worry about nothing…Phil: 4:6
My sheep hear My Voice…John 10:27
Dear friends,
So good to host a houseful last Wednesday for Day Retreat here at Rehoboth! We heard Him saying, “No worries. Sit back. Stay seated with Me in your hearts. Listen to Me.” Psalm 18; Eph 2; Phil 4–Bigtime! Thank You Lord!
Nov 24 Sunday Groups at Rehoboth! Come Up! Class. 830-930AM Arrive early as 8! I-58 630-8PM. Arrive early as 6!
Please help us protect our grandson Caleb (he’s improving from a kidney ailment) by not
coming to our home (where Caleb is often present) if you have sniffles, cough, feel poorly or anyone in your household is ill.
Due to Caleb’s treatment he may be more vulnerable to illness. We so appreciate your continued prayer and care for our
precious Caleb. We continue to pray healing in Jesus’ name! Join us!
Dec 6 Our “COME REST YE MERRY!” Potluck & Worship at our peaceful, spacious home, Rehoboth! (Arrive early as 5. Potluck 530. Worship 630-8! Miriam Bandfield music!
Dec 11 Our Christmas Season Personal Retreat, 845AM-4PM here at Rehoboth! Apply soon @jkadlec@imonmail.com.
We continue praying for post-election America, according to John 10:10. Join us. “Though the thief comes to rob, kill, and destroy, we ask You Lord Jesus to mercifully stop the thief in this election. Destroy the works of the devil, and save as many wicked souls as possible. Do not give us the government we deserve, but the government we need. Sweep America with fear of the Lord and life abundant in Your name! Nevertheless, not our will, but Your will be done! Amen.”
Our NEWEST VIDEOS The Lord is Our Dread Champion @ https://youtu.be/Uxx0so9hJBU.Whistling Past the Graveyard Won’t Cut It @ https://youtu.be/pdPaigfvU28 AND A Dream of What’s Coming, @ https://youtu.be/zyo8x9tCBLY @richardf.speightjr.3804@youtube Enjoy and please share! They’re also on our website!
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Your seeds support our 5 strategies! *Prayer *Testimony *Gatherings *Writing *Encouragement. We SO appreciate your seeds by mail or the website (Venmo @ComeRest or QR Code; or PayPal
@ dickspeight@comerestministries.com) “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. 2 Cor 9:10-11
Richard F. Speight, Jr.
Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28