Lift up your hands to the holy place and bless the Lord! Psalm 134:1

I do not cease to give thanks for you, remembering you in my prayers… Eph 1:16-23

Dear friends near and far,

   One night this week I had a dream showing me carrying worry about family and world matters. I awoke, led to Psalm 134. Check it out. Just three verses. Short, but sweet. Lift your hands in praise and prayer, in the darkest of night, and Crucified Lord will bless you  I hear, “Empty your hands. Give Me each thing you are worried about. Trust Me, so you can lift your hands in praise and prayer. Let Me lead.”

   And the way He is leading this week is the apostolic prayer in Eph 1:16-23. I spoke about this last spring, and it’s back on our “radar screen.” Pray it aloud for yourself, your born-again relatives and friends, and His whole church. If they are not yet saved, ask Him to save them and then do an Ephesians 1 work in their life!

   Living in His rest means you sit with Him wielding His sword/word in prayer—instead of standing up on your own two feet and taking matters into your own hands. Let Him stay in control and you will stay in peace. He will always make it abundantly clear when it’s time to follow Him into relational interactions in line with His prayers. Intercession is always intervention with the Lord. Intervention, without the Lord, is always meddling in the flesh. Empty your hands. Trust His.


Join us praying, “Lord Jesus, stretch out Your hand to heal, help, and hedge—all the households of Come Rest—from influenza, accidents, and all other threats!”


LOCAL FRIENDS: You have THREE Come Rest IN-PERSON opportunities in the next six days!

  • SUN Come Up! Class the 16th, 830-930AM. Arrive early as 8. Leave at 930 for your other Sunday assignments!
  • SUN I-58 House Fellowship 630-8. If you want to stay warm on a very cold night, join us on ZOOM. If not on our Zoom list, contact us.
  • FRI Awakening of Love worship flow the 21stat CLC,630-830. 2808 Schaeffer Dr SW. Jeff Schnieders & Carol Blomberg music!


Our next Day Retreat will be MARCH 19th at Rehoboth, 845-4. Apply soon @


Thank you so much for continuing prayers and financial support as our mission continues into 2025. Ask what He wants you to sow by mail or website. Your seeds expand our simple mission of prayer, teaching, evangelism, wise counsel, encouragement, gatherings, writing, videos! And you will be blessed! “Now may He who supplies seed to the sower and bread for food, supply and multiply the seed you have sown and increase the fruits of your righteousness, while you are enriched in everything for all liberality, which causes thanksgiving through us to God. 2 Cor 9:10-11


Minister through our website (! Use it to introduce friends to CRM. Request prayer, check updates, enjoy videos, donate. Buy books for friends and ship free. Your tool to help people rest in His love!


We pray life abundant over you and yours in Jesus’ name!

Love and blessings!

Dick and Kim Speight

Richard F. Speight, Jr.

Come to Me all who are weary and heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Matthew 11:28

Come Rest Ministries

P.O. Box  11010

Cedar Rapids, Iowa 52410-1010