Comforting Dynamite The eternal God is your refuge, and underneath are the everlasting arms; He will thrust out the enemy from before you, and will say,...
Angelic Encampment I sought the Lord and He heard me, and delivered me from all my fears. The angel of the Lord encamps all around those who fear Him. Ps 34:...
Apply for Our Refreshing Day Retreat! Our Come Rest Personal Day Retreat @ Rehoboth (Speights’ cozy, yet spacious wooded home) Wed Feb 21st, 845AM-4PM! Includes...
Our Sunday Groups Meet Here the 4th! Our Sunday groups will meet here at Rehoboth this Sunday Feb 4! Our “Come Up!” Class resumes 830-930AM! Arrive as early as 8...
Our Awakening of Love Feb 2nd at CLC! Our Awakening of Love worship tonight, Friday, Feb 2nd @ CLC! 630-830! 2808 Schaeffer Dr SW. The Blomberg team will assist us musically!...
Psalm 34 Bigtime! Psalm 34 is on our “radar screen” this week as we meditate in the Spirit! Vs 3 & 4 are our memory/prayer verses. Join us!...
Smooth It Out & Upcoming Events While praying for someone this month we heard a fresh word for them. We feel it’s a preparatory word of wise counsel from the Lord for...
Schedule Notification Jan 28th! No Sunday Morning Class tomorrow the 28th. We’ll resume class the 4th! HOWEVER, we will have our Isaiah 58 House Fellowship here at...
Cancellation Plus Special 1 Hr ZOOM January 21! Given the weather conditions and our hilly street we will not have in-person meetings here at Rehoboth tomorrow, Jan 21st, at either 830AM...