
Come Rest In Jesus

3 Steps to Continual Peace

Wait For The Lord's Arrow

Praying Psalm 64.

Look At Me

What is our part when the battle belongs to the Lord?

When I Am Afraid

A prayer of trust in the Lord

When It Looks Like the Bad Guys are Winning

Draw near to Jesus; trust Him afresh; declare His works--according to Psalm 73!

The Lord Bless You & Keep You

Receive & Give His Blessing According to Numbers 6:24-26!

Stop! Listen Carefully to Me

Isaiah 55 Part 1

Remain Thankful For America

Isaiah 55 Part 2

Incline, Recline, Cry Out to Him!

Isaiah 55 series part 3: "Incline your ear to Him; recline your soul upon Him; cry out in intimate lament, repentance, & victory!

Whistling Past the Graveyard Won't Cut It

Let His rod and His staff be comfort to you in the wild and shadowy days ahead.

A Dream of What's Coming

The Lord's coming move of His real love and manifest presence.

The Lord is Our Dread Champion

Walk In Heavenly Peace

The Lord is never worried, ever ready to help when you are. Do what He says in Phil 4:6-8. His peace will guard you and help you focus on Him. He is your Heavenly Peace.

Childlike Wonder

Simple and deep wisdom; how to receive and give gifts daily with the Babe of Bethlehem, who is Christ the Lord!